Conflict Resolution Counselling Services

Goals of PAR 

The priority of each class is to encourage self-reflection and challenge personal growth while engaging in positive discussion. Ultimately, our goal is to increase the safety of intimate partners and offender accountability. Attendees participate in structured exercises designed to help them examine their beliefs and behaviours. Participants are given the opportunity to identify and evaluate how past choices were made to gain power and control over their partner(s).

It is important to know that program facilitators are trained professionals who will treat participants with respect and dignity. We understand that participants wish to have healthy, well functioning, equal relationships. It is our goal to help equip participants with the tools they need to improve their current relationships and control their behaviour in a positive manner in the future. 

We operate under the belief that abusive behaviours are not accidental. Choices are made with the intent of controlling one's intimate partner. Given the fact that abuse is a choice, an individual can choose not to exercise control over another person. A person is solely responsible for their decision to perpetrate abuse and there is absolutely no justification for this action.